
We Keep Your Private Information Private

I’ll write an article in the next few days about the reason why we do not allow callers to use fake names or attempt to be anonymous when calling cheap phone sex dot co. Right now, I would like to say a few words about privacy issues, why we think it’s vitally important that our (the internet users) information remains private at all times,  but also why and when we  that information has to me made available to the proper channels.

Privacy Issues are important

If you own a gmail or any such email accounts, and you have watched TV or read the newspapers, you have probably come across the news of the government and other online institution not only tracking your every only move, but collecting your personal information that is then stored electronically in computer networks. When if comes to my private information, I have a very clear understanding. What I do in my private life is none of anybody’s business. As such, if I give my personal information to a third party, I do so willingly with the knowledge that such company has taken all the necessary measures to keep said information safely stored away in some unbreakable Fort Knox style data center. The fact that there is no such thing as an unbreakable date collection center (Home Depot, Wall Mart…), I understand that these are the exceptions to the rules and in the majority of cases my private information is indeed going to be protected.

The sharing of information

Here, at Cheap Phone Sex dot co, we have always had a very strict policy of non disclosure, that is to say, we do not sell, share or render public any of our callers information.  In the more than 15 years of doing business, we have adhered to this policy as a matter of course.Simply said: Your private information is safe with us.

There are three exceptions to this rule

Please make sure you understand this before you call us.

  • You are using somebody else credit card information, behind his or her back and that person then calls us to query a charge made that he/she doesn’t recognize
  • We receive a bonafide court order to do so
  • You attempt to deceive us (read cheat) by making purchases which you then deny having made. Whilst the two first points are important, the third one really does irritate me since I do not have patience for dishonesty and I will use any legal means at my disposal to prevent you from stealing from me.

Capisce? Great. Now how about you call us for the most incredible and always cheap phone sex numbers.